Creativity-Expression-Imagination – My Photographic Adventures

Posts tagged “Desert Landscapes

I recently returned from a trip to Arizona; a land of varied and beautiful landscapes, and rich culture – and a land where at this time of year the temperature reaches 100+ degrees. Here is a selection of my favourite images from around Scottsdale and Central Northern Arizona.

'Gateway' - I took this shot because it reminded me of some of the old westerns on TV.

'somewhere to tie your horse'

Cathedral Rock - Sedona. The old knarled tree in the foreground made a perfect frame for this landscape.

Cathedral Rock viewed from Red Rock Crossing. I used a low vantage point from the middle of the creek to give a greater feeling of depth to the picture. The water was fairly shallow and although the rocks were quite slippery, provided a welcome cooling break from the intense Arizona heat.

Again rather than just taking of shot of the mountain range I used the foreground interest of the fallen tree and also used the gap in the trunks to frame the central section of the view.

Plant Life - A Prickly Pear Cactus

Plant Life - The cactus are in bloom at this time of year with gorgeous displays in yellow, orange and red.

Iconic Desert Image - the Saguaro Cactus.

The Saguaro Cactus - the largest species of cacti in the USA found only in the Sonoran Desert. Grows only an inch or two in the first 8 years, but eventually rises tall and skyward and between 50 & 70 years sprouts "arms" that can look like they're waving or saluting.

The Saguaro Cactus survives on a comparatively small root base, and it's insides are made up of a collection of narrow pole like structures similar looking to dried bamboo canes. Birds and small mammals will often nest inside the cactus body.

'Shadowlands' - For me the colours and texture make this image.

Cowboy Boots - a typical symbol of the wild west.

A macabre old west symbol - the hangman's noose

Does size matter? A spurs's a spur, right?

Cowboy in the Saddle

Home, home on the Range - I took this from aboard my trusty steed, 'Splash'

Although this is actually a fake, it looks like we all visualise them to be, does it not!

Time for Arizona's wildlife - this is a Jack Rabbit - notice the larger than usual ears.

And this little fella is a Ground Squirrel or also known locally as a mini goffer (that's goffer not golfer!!!) or prairie dog.

Horses letting off steam after their morning ride out. I used a vignet on this image to really draw the viewer's attention to the horses and isolate them from the background.

In some cases, letting off steam lead to biting and kicking ...

Then it got Full On.

Sunset on Camelback Mountain

Regular viewers will not be surprised to see some mutt images amongst my selection, so here's a handful for dog fans. This one's called 'mid-stream'.

'Taking a Leap'

Shall I, Shan't I

It's a Dog's Life

The Arts Centre in Mesa - I took this because of the colours and the 'lead-in' lines.

Deadly Warning!